Think of a major business or brand that is well-known around the world, such as Nike, Wendy’s, or even Pizza Hut. When you think of these companies, you can likely recall the logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic used to achieve the brand’s image. Understanding branding and graphic design is essential for any entrepreneur, business owner, or professional marketer today.
What is Branding?
Think of a major business or brand that is well-known around the world, such as Nike, Wendy’s, or even Pizza Hut. When you think of these companies, you can likely recall the logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic used to achieve the brand’s image. Understanding branding and graphic design is essential for any entrepreneur, business owner, or professional marketer today.

What is Graphic Design?
Graphic design is the process of implementing visual elements into projects, regardless of format or project type. Graphic design requires the understanding of color theory, white space, and various design styles to use visual elements in order to convey a message to specific demographics or audiences.

What Similarities Do Branding and Graphic Design Share?
Although branding and graphic design are not the same, they share many similarities in common with one another. Both branding and graphic design take target audiences and the type of look or feel a company is interested in pursuing into consideration before creating imagery or other visual designs.
How Does Branding and Graphic Design Differ?
While branding and graphic design have plenty in common in terms of visual elements and presentation, the process of branding is much broader and requires bigger picture thinking in order to achieve success. Branding a business, product, or individual requires an understanding of current economic trends, cultural trends, as well as current design trends that are most relevant to your intended audience.
Those working in graphic design are typically responsible for the placement and installation of various graphic elements in order to complete a project, presentation, advertisement, or package. Graphic designers use the branding of a business or individual to help with finding the right visual elements to convey the same message and/or aesthetic.
Understanding both branding and graphic design is essential for any business owner or entrepreneur interested in launching a business or brand of their own. With an understanding of the significance of branding and how graphic design complements the process of branding, maximize your ability to appeal to and reach a much more expansive audience.